Monday, June 19, 2017

New Direction

Hello again, my lovelies!

Bet you didn't think you'd see me again this fast, did ya? ;)

A lot has been happening this past week. I don't want to go into a long story with a bunch of details, but suffice it to say, I've been struggling through a lot of questions for a long time, and haven't gotten a lot of clear answers along the way. This week seemed to just pile on more. But then God started doing some crazy things, and reminding me of Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." I guess there's a lot of things you could take away from that verse, especially in context. But God always has our good in mind. Most importantly our spiritual good, but really, He's a good God, and a good Father, and delights in showering us with blessings of all kinds, whenever possible. Sometimes we don't take the time to notice and appreciate them, but they're there.

It's a little early to say what all might be gonna happen, but I'm getting the feeling here that God's making some changes in my life. Ones I've been praying about for a really, really long time, and sort of despaired of ever making happen. No, I'm not talking about a publishing contract, sadly. But other good things. And along with these twists of fate, God has been giving us some pretty obvious cues that He's here, taking care of things. I'm pretty excited to see what's in store for the summer, but I'd still really appreciate prayers as I try to pour more time and effort into making a go of the writing thing. I've been asking for a long time if it's what God wants me to be doing, especially when it just never seems to go anywhere... and honestly, I still don't know. But I see He's offered me an opportunity to give it the time and attention I've always longed to, so I'd like to give it my best, and hope that I can please Him, as well as you all. But prayers for direction, a full return to health (still battling remnants of that adrenal thing), and wisdom are still needed. Thanks in advance!

So, one thing I kind of wanted to do, since I may, MAYBE, actually be able to spend a little more time on my blog as well, is to ask you all what you'd like to see more of? I know there's not that many of y'all, and you're kind of a quiet bunch, but I'd really appreciate some feedback as I figure out where I want to take things. Let the voting commence.

  1. An ongoing story, chapter by chapter, like I did with Unseen Things
  2. An ongoing story that you get to vote for what happens next.
  3. More devotional series posts.
  4. Literary posts-- book reviews, writing advice-- that kind of thing.
  5. Simple, artful living type posts-- thoughts, ideas, and maybe a little philosophy on the art of living gracefully and simply with a heart for Jesus and stories.
Let me know what you think!

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