Monday, June 19, 2017

New Direction

Hello again, my lovelies!

Bet you didn't think you'd see me again this fast, did ya? ;)

A lot has been happening this past week. I don't want to go into a long story with a bunch of details, but suffice it to say, I've been struggling through a lot of questions for a long time, and haven't gotten a lot of clear answers along the way. This week seemed to just pile on more. But then God started doing some crazy things, and reminding me of Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." I guess there's a lot of things you could take away from that verse, especially in context. But God always has our good in mind. Most importantly our spiritual good, but really, He's a good God, and a good Father, and delights in showering us with blessings of all kinds, whenever possible. Sometimes we don't take the time to notice and appreciate them, but they're there.

It's a little early to say what all might be gonna happen, but I'm getting the feeling here that God's making some changes in my life. Ones I've been praying about for a really, really long time, and sort of despaired of ever making happen. No, I'm not talking about a publishing contract, sadly. But other good things. And along with these twists of fate, God has been giving us some pretty obvious cues that He's here, taking care of things. I'm pretty excited to see what's in store for the summer, but I'd still really appreciate prayers as I try to pour more time and effort into making a go of the writing thing. I've been asking for a long time if it's what God wants me to be doing, especially when it just never seems to go anywhere... and honestly, I still don't know. But I see He's offered me an opportunity to give it the time and attention I've always longed to, so I'd like to give it my best, and hope that I can please Him, as well as you all. But prayers for direction, a full return to health (still battling remnants of that adrenal thing), and wisdom are still needed. Thanks in advance!

So, one thing I kind of wanted to do, since I may, MAYBE, actually be able to spend a little more time on my blog as well, is to ask you all what you'd like to see more of? I know there's not that many of y'all, and you're kind of a quiet bunch, but I'd really appreciate some feedback as I figure out where I want to take things. Let the voting commence.

  1. An ongoing story, chapter by chapter, like I did with Unseen Things
  2. An ongoing story that you get to vote for what happens next.
  3. More devotional series posts.
  4. Literary posts-- book reviews, writing advice-- that kind of thing.
  5. Simple, artful living type posts-- thoughts, ideas, and maybe a little philosophy on the art of living gracefully and simply with a heart for Jesus and stories.
Let me know what you think!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Blogging Failures

Hello, lovelies!

This whole blogging thing just ain't working for me.

I don't know how people do it, with these beautiful, successful blogs, with their awesome writing careers and brands that they somehow magically make work.  Are they really THAT focused on some one particular thing in their writing life that making it their one theme-- their "brand," actually comes easily? And do they really have enough time on their hands to keep up on posting ALL the time, in addition to their regular writing? And HOW for the love of Pete, do they gain this magical thing called a following?

Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate those of you, you faithful few, who keep up with my blog and social media regularly. It means a lot to know there are a few people out there interested in what I do. But it's a precious few.

I don't know how many countless times I've sat down and made big plans for this blog, for coming up with a solid brand, for posting regularly, for doing unique, fun things on a regular schedule... ha. Ha ha. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!! As much of a planner as I am, it's just not a realistic dream at this point. Do I still want to do fun and unique things? Of course. Would I still love to grow my audience? Well duh. Turns out though, I'm just not Superwoman. My life is just too complicated, busy, and crazy, and, as proved by that nervous breakdown incident this spring, trying to force myself to do everything just doesn't work. If there's anyone else out there who feels the pressure and just can't juggle all the demands, you're not alone! But admitting that I can't do it all, that I can't please everyone every time, that sometimes I need to just chill, has been a major step in getting back to feeling like a sane person. Not everyone is going to be happy when you say no, but when its a choice between health and sanity, vs. keeping up with everyone's expectations, please, choose sanity. They'll get over it, I promise.

So the two major things I've been struggling with when it comes to this whole blogging thing, are:
  • Sticking to a theme.
  • Sticking to a schedule.
And here's my ultimatum.
No pressure.
No more promises that things are changing, that there will be more happening on the blog, that as soon as things stop being QUITE so crazy, I'll do better. Things never. stop. being. crazy. And honestly, all this trying, trying, trying, gets to be counter productive. So here's what's going to happen. I'm going to post cool, unique, fun things, along with probably some boring things, and it's going to happen when it happens. Maybe I'll pick up a following, maybe not. But I'm going to be writing what's on my heart, regardless of whether it fits a brand. It's just going to be my crazy, country, writing life, and all the simple, good, amazing things that fill it up. It's going to have more flavor of the things that make me-- and my writing-- unique. The fantasy worlds that I create are driven by the life I live, the things I believe and hold dear, and the ideas I love, just like every other writer. How can you try to fit that into a box? Maybe someday I'll find a way. Maybe someday I'll finally make it as a writer, and be able to spend the hours I want keeping up with all the things they say you have to do... maybe someday I'll reach that lofty height of having a publisher, a marketing team, and a website that's run by someone else... In the mean time, welcome to my sloppy life.
