Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Forward to the Past.

     I'm kinda into the whole fantasy, sci-fi thing, if you haven't noticed by now. Lately I've been binge watching a few shows on Amazon Prime- Warehouse 13 and Eureka. It's always a mind bender when they start messing with the past. Back to the Future and Back to the Future II are probably more recognizable, classic examples of changing the future, and then re-changing it. I love it when just one little decision, one small action, can turn reality as the characters knew it into a monster of a different color. They might think they aren't changing anything, but just their presence in a place and time where they're not supposed to be can have devastating consequences. It can even change who they are.

     The past is always a part of us, influencing our decisions, making us who we are. Memory is the rudder directing our way.
     The present is elusive. Just a glimmer of time. It eats up the future, and leaves the past in its wake, like a spark traveling up a piece of paper, leaving behind ash.
     The future directs us as well, baiting us along. It's where our minds dwell, always thinking ahead by years, days, hours or milliseconds. It's where our hopes are directed, where in our minds we project an image of ourselves as we wish we were- rich, smart, skinny, healthy...
     So back to characters changing the future by changing the past. It's not as fictitious as you think.

     Every moment we are moving through time, gobbling up future and leaving past behind. We are all time travelers. And you know what that means? It means that every action, every choice we make, is changing the future.


     Right now you are becoming who you will be. You made the decision to take time and read this blog post. That decision altered- just a tiny bit- from the person you would have been if you had decided to go jog for twenty minutes instead. That extra hour you have before bed, that you were thinking about spending reading a book? That's gonna make a difference in who the future you is, if you choose it over watching a movie, or eating a snack, or talking to your family. Not saying that one choice is always wrong, and another always right, but it will. Always. Change. You.

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