Monday, December 11, 2017

And the Winner Is:

And now...

Drum roll, please...

I'd like to announce the winner of my 3 book giveaway. Congratulations to...

Julie Houle!

*Initiate Confetti Explosion*

I hope you enjoy these three fantastical tales. And to everyone else, thanks so much for participating, and I hope you are able to check out my books at some point.

Just a reminder, Betrayer is ON SALE this week for only $.99 for the Kindle book. Get it here.
Also, come back at the end of the week for one more Christmas gift to fans Quench the Day, book #1 in my Red Wolf Trilogy. I'll be posting the opening chapter from book #2, Unmask the Night. I'm pretty excited about where this series is going!

Again, a big congrats to Julie!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Book Giveaway LAST DAY!

Guys, this is your LAST DAY to enter for a chance to win signed copies of all three of my books! Don't miss it!

Winner will be announced Monday evening!

Also, don't forget, Betrayer Kindle e-book is on sale this week for only $.99! Pick up a digital copy to take with you on your phone or Kindle. Or, borrow all three books through KU (Kindle Unlimited) for FREE.

Next week I have another little surprise planned, which I'll be announcing tomorrow along with the giveaway winner. Have I mentioned how excited I get about Christmas? LOL.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Book Giveaway!

Guys. Book giveaway. Need I say more?

Ok, maybe I don't NEED to say more, but I will. It's the start of the Christmas season, which is a REALLY big deal for me. So to say thanks and merry Christmas to my fantastic readers, I'm giving away a signed copy of each of my paperback books to one winner. This is my first time ever really running a blog giveaway, so I wanted to start pretty simple. If it's a success, you can definitely look forward to more giveaways in the future! The giveaway is open for entries RIGHT NOW and runs until Sunday, December 10th. That gives you just a few days to enter! I'll announce the winner on Monday, the 11th. That's only one week from today! Eeeeek!

Also, I wanted to mention that next week, from the 10th to the 17th, I'm running a Kindle Countdown Deal for Betrayer. You'll be able to pick up a copy of the e-book for only $.99!

Thanks, guys, for all the support, prayers, and encouragement. And Merry Christmas!

To enter, check out the link to Rafflecopter. It's super simple. I promise.

Giveaway is open to residents of the US and Canada.