Saturday, May 21, 2016

Unseen Things Launch

       Today was the big online launch celebration for the Unseen Thing Kindle book! I'm really thankful for everyone who was able to stop by. There were a lot of great questions. I know Abby and I had a blast! Although it was a little crazy keeping up with everything at times, especially when the internet decided to be slow. We were both feeling a bit cross-eyed I think, by the end. LOL. But it was a great experience (and good practice for when the next book comes out!).
       My house has been freezing- it's that awkward time of year when it's too warm to start the fire cause it's like 65* out, but the house refuses to warm up past like 55*. Well this is me during the launch, talking to Abby on the phone while trying to warm up with a cup of tea. Sadly, I'm still cold!
       Check out the Unseen Things Kindle e-book, and please, PLEASE, leave a revue!