Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Writer's Conference, Garden, and Puppy, Oh My!

       Things have been pretty crazy around here.
       I mean really, ridiculously busy.
       Two weeks ago we finally had to make the decision to put Snickers, our beagle, down. Her kidneys were failing, and it was pretty horrible to watch her getting worse and worse. We had known it was coming for a while, just a matter of time, but she couldn't have picked a worse time to go. Durned animal. I was in tears for days.

     That was last Wednesday. Friday, Hubby heard about someone that had basset hound puppies for sale, and went to "look" at them. He came home with this:

       At a whopping 7 1/2 weeks old, Freckles was not happy about going to live in a new place, with a new dog that wouldn't give her the time of day, and she let us know about it. Every. Single. Night.
       So, by the time the Montrose Christian Writer's Conference started last Sunday evening, I was already tired and out of sorts. By the time Monday rolled around, and I had to make that hour and a half commute first thing in the morning, I was using toothpicks to prop my eyes open. And so it went...
       Needless to say it ended up being an interesting week, and the conference I'd been looking forward to for months ended up sort of flying by in a daze of forced insomnia and grogginess. Things have gotten a little better since then... a little. I'm still not a great fan of madam Howls-In-The-Dark, but there is progress, so for now that will do.
       During the conference week I was able to carry on a conversation with a few people, which for an introvert like me is a pretty great accomplishment. Made some contacts, and even talked to an editor about my manuscript, Earthbound. The person I talked to does not handle fantasy or science fiction at all, but was impressed enough with the excerpt she read to offer to send my proposal on to her contact who does handle fantasy. That's, of course, when I get a proposal put together, which can't happen till I finish going through my manuscript and work out some of the plot kinks. Who knows if anything will come of it, but it was definitely a great encouragement.
       Meanwhile, writing time is in competition with an exploding garden, a countertop constantly overflowing with fresh produce that demands attention, and a puppy that also demands attention- much more loudly.
     One of the seminars I attended at the conference had to do with blogging, and the thing that jumped out at me the most about is the need to be consistent. It's something I've really struggled with, between life's crazy schedule, and lack of ideas (seriously, what do writers write about, when they're not Writing?). So, shamefaced and contrite, I'm resolving once again to try and do better. I do have a few ideas for some new posts, if I can get them written.
       What do you think? Any fun, different, exciting or crazy events going on in your life? Or do you have some great suggestions for blog post topics? I'd love to hear them!

     P.S. Since I started this post, a little time has passed, and Freckles, the new puppy, is doing a little better, making progress both in the letting us sleep department, and in figuring out that the floor is not the place to piddle randomly. She's still got a ways to go, but she's growing up fast! And happily, her and our other dog are finally getting along... most of the time.